
Friday, December 23, 2016

Winter STEM (Keep Your Students Engaged During the Long Winter Months)

I don't know about you, but I love the winter season. That is, I love to enjoy it from the comfort of my own home as I sit in front of the fire with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.

Is anyone else with me?!?

The fact of the matter is that after the holiday season the winter can seem to just drag on and on especially for teachers. Being cooped inside ALL DAY can make even the most well mannered class lose their minds.

That is why I am so proud to present to you winter STEM activities to get you through the rest of the winter season.

Keep kids engaged with activities such as Build a Snow Fort
For this challenge the students receive a letter from the STEM snowman stating that there will be a snow ball fight contest. In order to win the contest the students must build a fort for protection.

Another fun STEM winter activity is Build a Sled. For this activity the students receive a letter from the STEM snowman that they forgot to bring a sled so they will need to design one in order to go sledding with their friends.

One of my favorites and an activity that students are sure to love is Build a Snowman.
For this activity students compete in a snowman building contest to see who can build the tallest snowman. 

Another engaging winter STEM activity is Snowball Fight. For this activity the students design a snowball catapult in order to win a snowball fight. 

You can get all four winter STEM activities at a discounted price with the Winter STEM Bundle

For other STEM activities check out the STEM section of my TPT store. 

I hope you have found this blog post helpful. To stay connected with Carly and Adam's teaching tips and classroom freebies be sure to follow us on FacebookPinterestTeachers Pay Teachers, and subscribe to our blog!

We would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave your feedback in the comments. We can't wait to connect with you!
